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Takuya Hara

Assistant Research Physicist
Work Phone: 510-642-8040
Photo of Takuya Hara


Dr. Hara got his PhD degree at Nagoya University, Japan in 2014 under the supervision of Prof. K. Seki (Now at University of Tokyo, Japan). Now I have been working at Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley for over 5 years. Throughout my career, I have investigated the solar wind interaction with Mars based on the in-situ plasma and electromagnetic field data recorded by past and currently ongoing spacecraft missions, including Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), Mars Express (MEX), and MAVEN. Recently I started working on the ESCAPADE (Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamic Explorers) mission, which is the twin small identical probes around Mars scheduled to launch in 2024. I am especially interested in the plasma dynamics operated in Mars’ unique hybrid magnetosphere and ionosphere based on the in-situ spacecraft observations.

In particular, I am fairly familiar with coding the latest spacecraft data analysis package suites (SPEDAS) written on the basis of Interactive Data Language (IDL).