COFFIES, which stands for Consequences of Fields and Flows in the Interior and Exterior of the Sun, is a NASA-funded Science Center with the goal of solving the mysteries of our Sun’s deep interior. SSL also manages COFFIES’ education and outreach programs.
We are committed to sustaining a vibrant, diverse, inclusive, and supported undergraduate community at SSL. Undergraduate student opportunities at SSL usually offer academic credits through campus programs and department collaborations, or hourly pay via direct hires.
The Sun is over a million times bigger than the Earth! But it is so far from our planet that it looks small in the sky. Even at that great distance, the Sun influences us in many ways. Space Weather Explorers Week is a collection of lessons and activities about the Sun-Earth connection. Several times each year, you can interact live with NASA scientists and ask them your questions.
An archive of twenty years of former classroom activities and Education and Public Outreach (EPO) projects.
ASSURE (Advancing Space Science Undergraduate Research Experiences) provides an inclusive and supportive environment for undergraduate research.
In partnership with scientists and Engineers at the Space Sciences Laboratory, we offer a welcoming, supportive environment in which students can conduct their research using proven best-practices techniques. Our main initiative ASSURE program that is offered in the summertime for students from underrepresented backgrounds, in particular from Community Colleges and Minority Serving Institutions.
Graduate students from all departments on the UC Berkeley campus are eligible to apply to the Lin Fellowship.
The Robert P. Lin Graduate Fellowship was established in 2012 with a gift from the Lin family. It is used to support outstanding current or incoming graduate students at the University of California, Berkeley who pursue research related to space sciences, including, but not limited to students studying Physics, Astronomy, or Engineering. Recipients of the fellowship demonstrate a high level of academic distinction. Preference is given to students who pursue research projects associated with Space Sciences Laboratory (SSL).