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Mike Wong

Associate Researcher
Work Phone: 510-224-3411
Photo of Mike Wong


(Update: January 2025) Mike Wong is a planetary scientist researching planetary atmospheres and origins, with a focus on giant planet cloud physics and chemistry. He holds degrees in Astrophysics (AB, UC Berkeley) and Atmospheric and Space Science (PhD, Univ. Michigan). His previous employment includes NRC Research Associate at NASA Goddard, Visiting Scientist at STScI, Visiting Research Scientist at Univ. Michigan, and Research Scientist at SETI Institute.

Mike’s analysis of data from the mass spectrometer on the Galileo Probe launched his interest in cloud-forming gases in Jupiter’s atmosphere. He discovered the signature of ammonia ice in Jupiter’s thermal spectrum with Gordon Bjoraker and the Cassini/CIRS team. Mike Wong is a Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Collaborator (studying dynamic atmospheric composition with in-situ data) and was selected as a Juno Participating Scientist (studying Jupiter’s lightning, convection, and volatiles) He led Hubble and Gemini imaging programs in support of the Juno mission, and is a founding member of the multi-cycle OPAL program that conducts annual observations of the giant planets with Hubble. He sequenced JWST NIRCam, NIRSpec, MIRI, and NIRISS observations for the Jovian System ERS program. He is currently the solar system representative on the Space Telescope Users’ Committee, and he served as a 2023-2032 Planetary Decadal Survey panelist.

See Mike Wong’s bio.