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Balloon and rocket experiments since 1963. Satellite borne experiments since 1967. Co-I on ATS-6 energetic particle experiment. Co-I on ISEE 1 and 2 energetic particle experiment. Co-I on Cluster electron and ion composition experiment. PI on Equator-S plasma and energetic particle experiment. Co-I on Wind 3D energetic particle experiment. PI on Polar UVI imaging experiment.
Approximately 350 research papers in refereed journals (JGR, GRL, Physics of Fluids, Physical Review Letters, Astrophysical Journal, Physics of Plasmas, Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy) on auroral X-ray observations, plasmas in the radiation belt, plasma sheet, bow shock and papers on wave-particle interactions and nonlinear plasma physics.
Text Books: Physics of Space Plasmas, An Introduction, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1991.
Second edition, Physics of Space Plasmas, An Introduction, Wesley Publishing Co, 2004.
Cluster, NASA Grant, 1 September 2015-28 August 2019.