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Bruce Grossan

Photo of Bruce Grossan


Bruce Grossan might be called a “second generation” SSL scientist, as he did pre-EUVE lab work with Jerry Edelstein, and later George Smoot, as an undergraduate. He holds a degree in Physics from Cal, and except for minor diversions, has hardly ever left. He currently works on observations of *prompt* optical emission from gamma-ray bursts, in order to do emission mechanism science. He builds instrumentation for this work, and has on several occasions tried to get instruments into space for the superior IR observing there. This includes proposals for XIGI, NGRG, and early work on an Ultra-Fast Flash Observatory.

Bruce is also a co-director of the Energetic Cosmos laboratory, and PI of the NUTTelA-TAO project and the Burst Simultaneous Three-channel Imager (BSTI). Some years ago he designed and oversaw construction of the Optimum Resolution Camera Adapter (ORCA) at the Wyoming IR observatory.

Bruce encourages inquiries from students interested in doing research.