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This time-lapse video shows the integration of instruments into the ICON payload at the Space Dynamics Laboratory in Logan, Utah. The video covers a 15-week period from mid-February, 2016 until the end of May, 2016. Occasional darkness indicates cleanliness inspections using a UV light, and the blue tower that is occasionally visible is the last tracker used for alignment measurements. The video begins with preparation of the Payload Interface Plate (PIP), with purge lines and the MIGHTI fiber optic assembly. The order of instrument integration is as follows: MIGHTI B, MIGHTI A, ICP-Echo, MIGHTI cal lamp, MIGHTI ebox, IVM A, EUV, FUV, IVM B, star tracker and antenna mast simulators, and ICP flight. The video ends with the payload moved from the handling cart to the shipping container base, ready for testing.