Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
    1. Task levels
    2. The HESSI SW tree
    3. The HESSI SOC data flow diagram
  2. Integrated Tasks
    1. Imaging Spectroscopy
    2. Wizard I.S.
    3. Automated Quick-look/Archiving
  3. Tasks
    1. Imaging
    2. Spectroscopy
    3. Self-Calibration
    4. Flare Identification
    5. Flare Simulation
  4. Other Desired Data Analysis Tasks
    1. Time Series Analysis
    2. Flare Statistical Analysis
    3. Astrophysical Applications
    4. Polarization
    5. Electron Spectral Deconvolution
    6. Acceleration & Transport Models
  5. Sub-Tasks
    1. Aspect Solution
    2. Parameter Selection Tool
  6. Modules
    1. Live/Dead Time
    2. Menu Interface
    3. GUI Interface
    4. File Handler
    5. Count Spectrum Generator
    6. SRM Builder
    7. ESPEX
    8. Event List Generator
    9. Event List Calibrator
    10. Imaging Algorithms
  7. Utility Routines
  8. Spectrocopy Routines
  9. Imaging Routines
  10. Other Routines
  11. Off-chart Routines

I) Introduction

This document describes the HESSI data analysis software package. All routines are coded in IDL, level 5.0 or above. It is assumed that this will be part of the Solar Software package (SSW, see http://www.space.lockheed.com/EIT/ssw_setup.html) , thus the routines will make use of the general routines already contained in SSW.

In order to retain maximum flexibility, the system is constructed in a "bottom-up" fashion, i.e, the first routines to be defined and constructed are the lowset level routines for data access manipulation and display. Higher level routines will be constructed using these routines as building blocks.

This document, however, is intended to guide the user through the software from the "top-down", with the highest level routines described first, following the path of the data through the system. We intend to have one high-level routine for each major HESSI task, e.g., for all imaging, there is a routine called HESSI_IMAGE, which will give the user all of the available options for different imaging algorithms. The user will only need to remember a few program names when in a HESSI analysis session.

i) Task Levels

The different programs are ordered as follows: The highest level is called the Integrated Task level; these are programs designed to to multiple HESSI tasks (such as imaging plus spectroscopy). The next level is the Task Level; these are routines designed to do one specific HESSI task (such as imaging or spectroscopy). Task level routines are called by integrated task level routines, but will not generally be called by other task level or lower routines. It is expected that most of the users of HESSI data will call the routines at the integrated task or task level. The next level down is the Sub-task level; sub-tasks are routines used by tasks and integrated tasks, but which also should be expected to be used alone in a data analysis session. The next level down is the Module level; module level routines are used by higher level routines, and are expected to be used alone rarely. Below the module level is the Utility level; these are general routines that are the building blocks of the higher-level routines. Each task and sub-task will also have specialized utilities, which will reside in the same directory as the upper level routines for that task. A diagram of how the system is organized is shown in Figure 1. Note that the sense of the arrows between levels is downwards; the arrow points from the task or routine that calls the one at which the arrow points to. It is specifically forbidden only for the general utility routines to call any task-specific routine. Every other level to level call will be allowed.

HESSI Data Analysis Levels

A diagram of the individual integrated tasks, tasks, sub tasks, modules and other routines is provided in Figure 2, As in Figure 1, the arrows point away from the calling routine/task. For the second and third parts of Figure 2, which show the utiliity and task-specific routines, and other tasks, the arrows have been dispensed with, to avoid too much clutter. The individual software elements are described in the next sections.

HESSI Data Analysis Diagram

HESSI Data Analysis Diagram (cont.)

HESSI Data Analysis Diagram (cont.)

In Figure 2, each SW element has annotations. The annotations above denote schedule milestones; a preliminary version is expected to be working by the appropriate time, e.g., those elements marked with ``0'' are to be part of Release 0, scheduled for 14-sep-1998, for test purposes. The milestones at present:

0 - Release 0, 14-sep-1998

A - Grid Delivery to GSFC begins Jan-1999

B - IDPU test (no detectors), 1-jan-1999

C - Grid Delivery to PSI

D - Flight Spectrometer testing, 7-apr-1999

E - Spectrometer Source Test, Jul-1999

G - IDPU plus Spectrometer test

H - Mission Integration and Test, 1-jan-2000

* - Launch, jul-2000

The annotations below each element in the box are the initials of the people who are expected to be responsible for those elements, or at least have expressed some interest in generating software for those elements. If you see your name, and didn't know about this, send mail. The initials (in no particular order):

JM - J. McTiernan

RS - R. Schwartz

KT - K. Tolbert

AC - A. Csillaghy

GH - G. Hurford

ES - E. Schmahl

MA - M. Aschwanden

DS - D. Smith

JL - J. Loran

FL - F. Lang

LO - L. Orwig

UCLA - Somebody as yet undetermined at UCLA

CJ - C. Johns-Krull

GHo - G. Holman

BD - B. Dennis

MF - Martin Fivian

iii) The HESSI SW Tree

The HESSI software tree is shown in Figure 3. The routines will reside in /ssw/hessi/idl, which will have a subdirectory for the programs for each task, integrated task, and sub-task, under a directory called atest, for new software. There will be a directory /ssw/hessi/dbase for the spectral and grid responses.

HESSI Software Tree

iv) The HESSI SOC data flow diagram

The HESSI SOC data flow diagram, as shown in Figure 4, is relatively simple. In the figure, data products are enclosed in ellipses, software is enclosed in rectangles with rounded corners and hardware and database systems are enclosed in rectangles with square corners.

VC1 (spacecraft housekeeping) and VC3 (event list) telemetry packets are saved in files, with the naming convention vc_yyyymmddhhmmss where the given time is time for the contact initiation. Vc2 (real time science) data is passed to a workstation for display, and then discarded. (All of the vc2 packets are assumed to be a subset of the vc3 data). The archived data will be reorganized into smaller files, each corresponding to 1 orbits worth of data, with the naming convention vc_yyyymmdd.hhmm, where the time will refer to UT for the first packet of the orbit. Orbital files which are larger than 100Mb will be broken into smaller files of 100Mb or less (this should only happen for very large flares, during times when the shutters are open). The archived data will then be passed into the Quick-look/Archiving program on the SOC ARCHIVE workstation for catalog generation. Archived data, and the flare catalog for the time interval of the archived data will be pressed onto CD's for distribution and inclusion into the local UCB HESSI database. The flare catalog for the entire mission will be kept online on a SOC workstation, available for browsing. The archived data and event catalog will be sent to the NASA SDAC, and to ETH and made available to the public.


The times shown in Figure 4 are estimated elapsed times up to the completion of each step. Typically, the MOC will receive data some 1 to 35 hours after it is collected; the higher number is for operations with the low energy attenuator shutter open, in this case the memory is typically 3/4 full, and there will be a 34 hour delay in obtaining recorded data. The SOC will take approximately 3 to 10 hours to store and write the data from a given contact, and generate the flare catalog. It is expected that the data can be transferred to SDAC and ETH, over the Internet and/or Internet II in an hour (estimated for 1 Gb of data), the data should be available to the public in 6 to 48 hours, depending on the memory status.

II) Integrated Tasks

i) Imaging spectroscopy

NAME: Hessi_spec_image

PURPOSE: Obtains images, then uses the images to obtain spatially resolved energy spectra.

INPUT: Level 0 data, or a set of images, time intervals, energy ranges, Aspect data or solution, grid model data

OUTPUT: Spatially resolved photon spectra

ii) Wizard I.S. (Imaging-Spectroscopy)

NAME: Hessi_wizard

PURPOSE: An interactive, user friendly tool for creating HESSI images and spectra

INPUT: None explicit, Users will determine this in the session

OUTPUT: Images and Energy Spectra

iii) Automated Quick Look/Archiving

NAME: Auto_quick_look

PURPOSE: From level 0 data, creates light curves and flare catalog

INPUT: Level 0 data, event lists, Aspect data, housekeeping data

OUTPUT: Light curves in N energy bands and the flare catalog, which includes start, peak, and end times for events, background intervals for each event, flare position, peak size in N energy bands, low energy resolution spectra, low spatial resolution images in N energy bands. Flags: Spacecraft night, SAA flags, shutter status.

III) Tasks

These are the routines that the user will access to do HESSI science.

i) Imaging

NAME: Hessi_Image

PURPOSE: Images, using various algorithms

INPUT: event lists, aspect data or solutions, grid model data, time intervals, energy bands, image algorithm identifier, image control parameters All inputs can be selected interactively or passed in.

OUTPUT: images.

ii) Spectroscopy

NAME: Hessi_spectrum

PURPOSE: Energy spectra

INPUT: event lists, aspect data or solutions, detector and grid response data or full response matrix, time intervals, energy bands, background intervals or spectra, spectral model identifier, spectral control parameters. All inputs can be selected interactively or passed in.

OUTPUT: Energy spectra

iii) Self-Calibration

NAME: Hessi_self_cal

PURPOSE: To obtain grid model parameters using in-orbit calibration.

INPUT: Flare data, aspect data or solutions for many flares

OUTPUT: Grid Model Parameters to be used in imaging

iv) Flare Identification:

NAME: Hessi_flare_id

PURPOSE: Automated, Finds flares by inspection of light curves.

INPUT: Light Curves in Different energy bands, time array for light curves, flags for Spacecraft night-SAA passage-Bad data, energy bands for the light curves.

OUTPUT: number of flares found, flare start, peak and end times, in different energy bands, peak count rate in different energy bands for each flare, suggested background interval times for each flare

v) Flare Simulation

NAME: Hessi_model_2_score

PRUPOSE: takes simulated images, generates simulated event lists.

INPUT: sets of images, with different time and spectral dependences, Simulated aspect data or solutions, grid model data

OUTPUT: Simulated event lists

IV) Other Desired Data Analysis Tasks

i) Flare Statistical Analysis

NAME: Hessi_flare_stats

PURPOSE: Reads flare catalog, generates statistics, such as size distributions in counts, duration, and spectral parameters.

INPUT: HESSI flare catalog

OUTPUT: size and spectral distributions

ii) Time Series Analysis

NAME: Hessi_time_series_anal

PURPOSE: Time series analysis of hessi spectrometer data

INPUT: event lists, or count rate data


iii) Astrophysical Applications


iv) Polarization


v) Electron Spectral Deconvolution


vi) Acceleration & Transport Models


V) Sub-Tasks

i) Aspect Solution

NAME: Hessi_aspect_solution

PURPOSE: Finds the direction in which the spacecraft is pointing at a given time.

INPUT: the time (or times) for the solution, the RAS and SAS data, the position of the spacecraft, ephemeris data for the sun.

OUTPUT: The position of the center of the sun, with respect to the axis of rotation.

ii) Parameter Selection Tool

NAME: Hessi_parameter_sel

PURPOSE: A routine which can be used to select the parameters used to run a given HESSI task. Parameters can be passed in or chosen interactively.

INPUT: event lists or light curves in different energy bands, time intervals, energy bands, background intervals or spectra, task_id, image algorithm identifier, image control parameters, spectral model identifier, spectral control parameters.

All inputs can be selected interactively or passed in.

OUTPUT: time intervals, energy bands, background intervals or spectra, task_id, image algorithm identifier, image control parameters, spectral model identifier, spectral control parameters

VI) Modules

i) Live/Dead Time

NAME: Hessi_dead_time

PURPOSE: Find dead time

INPUT: event list

OUTPUT: Dead time, as a fraction of the total time input, or in seconds

ii) Menu Interface

NAME: Hessi_menu

PURPOSE: A simple interactive Menu interface to handle Hessi tasks

INPUT: None explicit, the user is prompted for commands

OUTPUT: None explicit

iii) GUI Interface

NAME: Hessi_menu

PURPOSE: A GUI interface to handle Hessi tasks

INPUT: None explicit

OUTPUT: None explicit

iv) File Handler

NAME: Hessi_file_handler

PURPOSE: Handles File IO for Hessi, finds or creates the appropriate files then inputs or outputs, also deletes temporary files

INPUT: File type, input-output flag, append flag, temporary/permanent flag, filename, output data if applicable

OUTPUT: input data if applicable

v) Count Spectrum Generator

NAME: Hessi_count_spec_gen

PURPOSE: Provides counts spectra for use in spectral fitting, incorporating gain and dead time corrections

INPUT: event lists, time intervals, energy bands, energy bins

OUTPUT: count spectra

vi) SRM Builder

NAME: Hessi_build_srm

PURPOSE: Provides spectral response matrix (SRM) for use in spectral fitting

INPUT: energy bands, energy bins, detector response data, grid response data, aspect solution or data

OUTPUT: The differential response matrix

vii) SPEX (Enhanced SPEX)


PURPOSE: Spectral fitting

INPUT: count rates and SRM for given energy bands and intervals, spectral model identifier, spectral control parameters

OUTPUT: Photon spectra

viii) Event List Generator

PURPOSE: Obtains an event list from Level 0 data for given energy bands

INPUT: Level 0 data, time intervals, energy bands

OUTPUT: Event list

ix) Event List Calibrator

PURPOSE: Calibrates an event list, incorporating aspect solution, dead time correction, gain calibration, for input into image algorithms.

INPUT: event list, time intervals, energy bands, aspect data or solution.

OUTPUT: Calibrated Event list

x) Imaging Algorithms

These will be instrument-independent algorithms; in principle, the appropriate data from any detector can be passed in, and an image is returned

NAME: Full_Sun_Mapper

PURPOSE: Full Sun maps

INPUT: calibrated event list, grid model parameters, Aspect Solution, image control parameters

OUTPUT: Images

NAME: MEM_image

PURPOSE: Maximum Entropy Method imaging

INPUT: calibrated event list, grid model parameters, Aspect Solution, image control parameters

OUTPUT: Images


PURPOSE: Pixon method imaging

INPUT: calibrated event list, grid model parameters, Aspect Solution, image control parameters

OUTPUT: Images

NAME: Fourier_image

PURPOSE: Inverse Fourier imaging

INPUT: calibrated event list, grid model parameters, Aspect Solution, image control parameters

OUTPUT: Images

NAME: Clean_image

PURPOSE: Clean algorithm imaging

INPUT: calibrated event list, grid model parameters, Aspect Solution, image control parameters

OUTPUT: Images

NAME: Forward_model_image

PURPOSE: Forward modeling image

INPUT: calibrated event list, grid model parameters, Aspect Solution, image control parameters

OUTPUT: Images

NAME: Back_projection_image

PURPOSE: Imaging be back projection

INPUT: calibrated event list, grid model parameters, Aspect Solution, image control parameters

OUTPUT: Images

NAME: Spatial_spectral_image

PURPOSE: Spatial and spectral imaing together

INPUT: calibrated event list, grid model parameters, Aspect Solution, image control parameters, SRM, energy bins, energy bands

OUTPUT: Images

VII) Utility Routines

NAME: Catalog_Browser

PURPOSE: search flare catalog and obtain events

INPUT: time intervals to search for data, event size and duration thresholds, Spectral parameter limits. Can be interactive

OUTPUT: flare catalog entries for the events found, includes start, peak, and end times for events, background time intervals for each event, flare position, peak size in N energy bands, low energy resolution spectra, low resolution images in N energy bands,

NAME: File_Locator

PURPOSE: Given time and data type, find the file to be read

INPUT: the time interval for the data desired, the type of file to be searched for.

OUTPUT: the file(s) which contain the data, a roadmap that points to the data in the individual files.

NAME: Data_Extractor

PURPOSE: Extracts data from individual files

INPUT: the file(s) which contain the data, and the roadmap that points to the data in the individual files.

OUTPUT: the data (format:TBD)

NAME: Time_Extractor


INPUT: Telemetry Packet(s) or Packet_pointer

OUTPUT: Time associated with every Telem Word in the Packet(s)

NAME: Time_Converter


INPUT: Telemetry Packet(s) or Packet_pointer

OUTPUT: Time associated with every Telem Word in the Packet(s)


INPUT: Telemetry Packet(s), Time Window Constraints, Detector Mask, Segment Mask, Coincidence Mask, Energy Range.

OUTPUT: Indices of valid structures.


INPUT: Time range, calibration file type (Grid Trans, Grid Phase, Grid Amplitude, Shutter Trans, Detector Response, detector mask, segment mask, coincidence flags,...), Grid Axis definition.

OUTPUT: Indicated calibration(s) integrated and interpolated as needed to defined axes.


INPUT: Data Arrays, 1, 2, (or 3d), Axis Scale (e.g. Time vectors for light curves, Energy Vectors for spectra, angular spacing along image axes, titles, sub-titles, legends, extras), Type (light curve, spectra, image). Data selection requests.

OUTPUT: Screen graphics and Graphics Files. Range of selected data.

NAME: Display tools

PURPOSE: Various tools Used by the Graphics Display



NAME: Graph Select

PURPOSE: Graphic Selection tool



NAME: Lt_curve_generator

PURPOSE: Takes an event list, and produces light curves, for a given time resolution, for each collimator, or for a set of collimators

INPUT: event list, time resolution, energy bands

OUTPUT: light curves

NAME: File_Writer

PURPOSE: Writes data to files

INPUT: data, data type, filenames can be set

OUTPUT: files are written, filenames are returned

NAME: Structure_Builder

PURPOSE: Builds Hessi index and data structures

INPUT: data type

OUTPUT: structure

NAME: Session_Saver

PURPOSE: Saves HESSI analysis session

INPUT: variable names for items to be saved, or /ALL

OUTPUT: IDL save file with appropriate variables

NAME: Housekeeping Display

PURPOSE: Display Housekeeping data

INPUT: Vc1 telemetry packets

OUTPUT: Displays HK data

VIII) Spectrocopy Routines

NAME: Energy_integrater

PURPOSE: Gain Corrects and bins events into count spectra

INPUT: event list, energy bins

OUTPUT: binned, gain corrected, count spectra

NAME: Grid_response_matrix_gen

PURPOSE: Finds the response matrix of the grids

INPUT: grid model parameters and aspect solution, energy bins

OUTPUT: The Grid response matrix

NAME: Detector_response_matrix_gen

PURPOSE: Finds the response matrix of the detectors

INPUT: detector calibration data, energy bins

OUTPUT: The Detector response matrix

NAME: Matrix_combinator

PURPOSE: Folds the Grid and detector responses together

INPUT: Grid and detector response matirces

OUTPUT: The total spectral response matrix (SRM)

NAME: Background_char

PURPOSE: Characterizes the background, obtains background spectrum

INPUT: event list, energy bands, Background time intervals

OUTPUT: background spectra

NAME: Detector_Gain_solution

PURPOSE: Otain the energy vs. channel relation for the detectors from the gain

INPUT: Detector calibration data, time intervals(?)

OUTPUT: energy vs. channel relation for the detectors

IX) Imaging Routines

NAME: Image_2_expected_counts

PURPOSE: Given a trial image, obtain the expected counts in each detector

INPUT: image, modulation pattern info

OUTPUT: the expected number of counts from the input image

X) Other Routines

Includes specialized Self-calibration routines, and routines used for time series analysis, flare statistics, astrophysical, polarization, and other desired data analysis tasks.

NAME: Score_to_level_0

PURPOSE: Generates a level 0 event list from a series of images at different times an energies

INPUT: images, image times and photon energies

OUTPUT: level 0 data, ideal for testing.

XI) Off-chart tasks

These will generate database files for use by the analysis routines, or are used for testing but are not used in data analysis.

i) Grid Simulations


ii) Spectrometer Simulations


iii) XGCF (Xray Grid Characterization Facility)


iv) OGCF (Optical Grid Characterization Facility)


v) Pulser Tool


vi) Mass Model


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Comments to: jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu

Written, 9-june-1998, jmm