Vertical Roast Turkey Every family has a best way to roast the holiday bird. Our favorite way has two steps: brine, then roast vertically. The following works well for a 12-14 lb turkey, plenty for six to eight people. THE BRINE: Wash the defrosted bird, remove any prepackaged parst stashed inside by your butcher (make stock with them for your gravy). Put the bird into a large non-toxic brining bag along with a half pound of salt, one head's worth of crushed garlic cloves, and whatever seasoning you prefer. Add water to cover the bird, then seal the bag and move it to a cool dark place for about 24 hours. THE VERTICAL ROASTER A vertical roaster is a sturdy metal stand that resembles the Eiffel tower. Invented by Anna Spanek many years ago, it holds the interior of the turkey open to the cooking heat, so that the cooking time is reduced to about 2 hours in a Weber barbecue cooker. We use a standard 22 inch size Weber. WEBER PREP Set up the Weber by lining the lower interior with foil (don't cover the vents). Set aside the cooking grill -- not used in this process. But a couple of small bricks in the central area of the coals grate (the lower grate) where the bird and tower will stand. Get the coals lit. BIRD PREP Discard the brine, and rub a mixture of salt, pepper, and garlic into the interior of the turkey and between its skin and its flesh. Press the bird firmly down onto the tower -- height is an issue with the 22 inch Weber. Set the bird w/ tower into a small circular pan, and put it onto the bricks in the Weber. COOK Arrange the hot coals into a circle around those bricks, and add some extra briquets on top of that circle. With all vents open, put the lid onto the cooker and wait two hours for the cooking to complete. Enjoy!